A very small boy was very angry. He would get angry for the slightest reason. So his father gave him a bag full of nails and said that every time you get angry, put one nail in the wooden fence of our garden. On the first day, the boy had to go to the garden and hammer 37 nails. Over the next few weeks the boy managed to get some control over his anger. So the number of new nails in the wood decreased gradually every day. He realized that controlling his anger was much easier than hammering nails into a wooden fence. At last the day came when he did not have to drive a single nail. He told this to his father. Tara Baba told him, now on the days when you can fully control your anger, remove one nail at a time. Many days passed and one day the boy told his father that he could remove all the nails has been. His father now took him to the garden and pointed to the wooden fence and said - You have done your job very well, now you can control your anger but look, the nail holes are still there in every wood. A wooden fence will never go back to its original state. When you say something in anger to someone, it's like you hit a nail in their heart, and if you take it back later, it still leaves a scar in their heart. So you should learn to control your anger. Emotional wounds are often more dangerous than physical wounds.
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