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Religion and Philosophy

Major Pele's thoughts could not escape Santu, who was sitting a short distance away. To tell the truth, nothing much entered Santu's eyes. This was Manju Dada's shroud, a villager crying loudly after seeing the bullet-holed chest, the man lying under the shroud. Is that a long time ago sitting in the Anoma Kuthir, the teenager with his face buried in the pages of the book? How and when this dual life converged at a point, Santu can not reach.

The whirlwind of thoughts often made him forget that not only Manju, but another of his elders, Shuvenduda, also died in this brutal attack. Shuvenduda himself helped the children of ten villages with money to study, and in return, God gave him a bullet-holed chest. Santu trembled with anger. , the haramjadas opened fire on his brother like mad dogs.

Some young people caught in the 21st century.

A young footballer who played against the constant tackles of history.

A football coach in Kshapa.

A hill town, more dramatic than surreal, its history and present. 

There has been a lot of discussion on Buddhism in Bengal and many books have been published in Bengali language. But in our country, there is no book written in Bengali language about Buddhism. In that regard, the book Buddha: Religion and Philosophy undoubtedly has a special significance. It should be remembered that Buddhism is the idea of the transcendental. free from; And Gautama Buddha talked about getting rid of suffering by living in this world. But it can be seen in the written books, the Buddha's teaching and advice have not been complicated due to incomprehensible linguistic reasons, but his real teaching has been distorted due to his own psychological interpretation. It is noteworthy that in the current book, the warning Buddhism and philosophy have been logically presented and explained in simple language. From that point of view, the book has innovation and originality. Another particularly significant aspect of the book is the analysis of Buddhism in the light of existentialism, logical positivism, Marxism, etc. Western philosophical movements and modern science.

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