Historical speech of Buddha Ethnic.
The purpose of preaching the Buddha's message of righteousness and non-violence is to bring beings immersed in the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. What is Saddharm? Instead of staying with greed, hatred, and infatuation, it is better to stay with avarice, aversion, and infatuation. Preaching the message of righteousness and non-violence means explaining to the public with various arguments and similes. Behold, at present you are standing in heathen behavior and enmity. There is no end to the unbearable suffering you have to suffer because of that ungodly behavior and enmity. Happiness, peace is not achieved even for a moment. Your hearts are always burning with sorrow, unrest, because such is the result of ungodly behavior and enmity. On the other hand, Buddha's principles of righteousness and non-violence are the alleviators of sorrows and disturbances and the generators of happiness and peace, which purify the mind encumbered with enmity, hatred and suffering, and are capable of leading to the path of infinite goodness and peace. This religion preached by the Buddha leads the sattvas to Nirvana, the cessation of all suffering. The Buddha preached the message of this religion for the welfare and happiness of God and man. Therefore, you should abandon religion and enmity and follow the words of righteousness and non-violence. If you follow the principles of right conduct and non-violence, you will not have to suffer any more suffering. If Buddha's preached message of righteousness and non-violence is presented to the public, if it is practiced, great progress will be achieved for God and man.
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